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Wildland Fire & Disaster Support

MedEvent911's EMT-F and EMP-F Line-Qualified Wildland and Disaster Medics -

wildland medic sm bw2

MedEvent911's wildland experienced EMT and Paramedic's, have served the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) in some of the biggest fires of the century, including the NorthStar Fire in Washington, Zaca 2 Fire in California, Wallow Fire in Arizona and the Mustang Complex Fire in Idaho. This year alone in Arizona, Texas, Washington, California, and in other western states, BLM and the U.S. Forest Service relies on Line qualified, Red Card certified personnel and ambulances supplied by MedEvent911 for their Fireline EMT and Paramedic provider needs (EMT-F & EMP-F).

On-the-ground Medical and Firefighting Experience

wildland medical crew 1In addition to more than five decades combined emergency medical experience among the MedEvent911 leadership and crew member teams, the Senior leadership team support an elite group of medical personnel specially trained to provide medical services at wildland fires, both in various wildland fire roles--Line medics, supporting Medical Services at Forward Base Camps and Main Camps.

MedEvent911's wildland fire personnel are trained to work outdoors in remote locations and fully equipped to handle all of the medical issues a wildland firefighter might experience – from environmental exposure (poison ivy, bee stings) and blisters to cuts and fractured bones to heart attacks. Our mission is to keep the firefighters healthy, to helpl keep them in the fight!

For medical staffing at major disasters and wildland fires in Arizona and around the U.S., rely on the experience and expertise of MedEvent911. We're here to answer your call.

Current Assignments 2017
  • Not Currently Assigned

Completed Assignments 2016

Completed Assignments 2015
  • Northstar Fire, Nespelem, WA

NorthStar Pic

Jason and Adam from MedEvent911 and Travis (Daisy Mtn Fire Dept) received a special visit and thank you card from an evacuee for the NorthStar Fire Firefighters and Incident Management Team that helped protect her community.

Thank you Keaylie for your support!

Completed Assignments 2014
Completed Assignments 2013
  • West Fork Complex - Pagosa Springs, CO
  • Doce Fire - Prescott, AZ
  • Thompson Ridge Fire - Jemez Springs, NM
Completed Assignments 2012
  • Hansen Fire - Paradise Valley, NV
  • Holloway Fire - McDermitt, NV
  • Mustang Complex - Salmon, ID
Completed Assignments 2011
  • Wallow Fire - Sunrise, AZ

Contact Us For More Information