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What does ALS Stand for?

Tuesday, 16 December 2014 12:33
Google just came out with their top searched terms and "ALS" was one of them;
What does ALS stand for? What is ALS?: In the EMS World (Emergency Medical Services), ALS stands for Advanced Life Support.
advanced life support
Advanced Life Support

This identifies an "advanced EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)" The basic EMT is given the task to give all the preliminary, BLS (Basic Life Support) aids to the patient if necessary. If after BLS is given, the EMT feels that more advanced help is required, a member of the Advanced Life Support (ALS) team is requested to take over. Under medical direction an ALS provider can give more advanced skills or treatment such as start an IV (Intravenous) and fluids, deliver medicines, and perform advanced oxygen therapies or more invasive skills.

The ALS group is a team of highly trained individuals that provide more advanced medical help to the patients at the scene or in-transit when needed. In other words, they are trained and under physician direction, authorized to do the things that basic EMTs cannot do for the patient. To understand their purpose better, here is a closer look at the different ALS team's composition, their respective duties and responsibilities.

The Advanced Life Support team is composed of several member groups namely: the regular paramedic, and the critical care paramedic/Flight Paramedics.

Paramedic (EMT-P)
Paramedics are licensed individuals who can perform tasks beyond that of an EMT. These tasks include: cardiac monitoring, intubation, and administering IV medications. Paramedics are subject to 18-24 months of difficult theoretical training and practice. After the formal training, they are also required to render hours of practice and to undergo certification. If a paramedic wants to specialize in a specific field, they can further their studies and subject themselves for more certification as required.

Critical Care Paramedic (CCEMTP) / Flight Paramedic (FPC)
Critical Care and Flight Paramedics are similar to paramedics except that they are certified to provide extended care to patients in critical conditions and in complicated situations. Through their training, they are allowed to use more advanced equipment and devices that are often just used in ICU or critical care units, perform tasks like blood administration, and chest tube insertion among others.

MedEvent911 employs both BLS and ALS providers in a wide variety of special event settings including but not limited to conferences, races, movie and TV productions, competitions, festivals, VIP protection duties to name a few.

Interested in learning more about MedEvent911's Event Medical services? Give us a call at 877-811-6760 or get a no-obligation Event Staffing quote here.

Contact our Arizona EMS Team for more information.
623-322-1908 or 877-811-6760

Arizona Medical Support ProviderCombative and psychiatric patients pose a significant challenge to EMS responders in Arizona and elsewhere. The situation does not provide the comforts of an institutional setting where a patient is more easily controlled. Instead, decisions must be made quickly with the patient's well-being and comfort as the first priority. There are also legal considerations involved in these critical situations. Accepted practices in the industry help to guide EMS responders and on-site medical responders in their decisions regarding treatment and transportation of combative and psychiatric patients.

Consent to medical care includes the right of an Arizona EMS medical service provider to legally touch a patient. EMS responders have no legal authority to touch or physically restrain a patient without this consent, which is necessary regardless of the patient's state of mind. This presents a dilemma when the patient is hostile or in a state of mind that renders them incapable of expressing their consent. Fortunately, there are guidelines and laws that protect the EMS in these situations.

In the legal world there are two forms of consent, express and implied. These forms of consent apply to emergency medical treatment and transport. Express consent occurs when the patient voluntarily agrees to treatment and transport. Implied consent occurs when the EMS technician implies consent on behalf of the patient, taking into consideration the patient's condition and the immediate circumstances in which the patient is found.

Many laws are in place, both on State and Federal levels, on how to deal with combative patients and those unable to express their consent. However, these laws can be inconsistent. Some courts have decided that EMS workers are protected from negligent liability in the course of their duties. Other courts use an "objectively reasonable" standard to determine whether the EMS responders were professionally performing their duties. This standard asks the question "Was the act performed by the EMS responders reasonable in light of the circumstances?"

The competency of the patient is factored into the Arizona EMS technician's decision when implying consent on behalf of the patient. These same factors determine whether an EMS technician's actions were reasonable. Factors such as whether the patient is alert, oriented, capable of understanding the circumstances at the time, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is of legal age and whether the patient is a danger to himself or others all come together to determine whether the EMS technician's actions are reasonable.

EMS providers must be knowledgeable in how to assist the combative or psychiatric patient. The danger involved in these situations must be diffused, while protecting the dignity of the patient. At MedEvent911 our technicians are fully trained in assessing the needs of these patients and in providing the necessary emergency medical treatment required in these critical situations.

Contact our Arizona EMS Team for more information.
623-322-1908 or 877-811-6760

Student Athlete Safety | MedEvent911

Friday, 26 September 2014 08:07

MedEvent911 Helps Student Athletes Stay Healthy

emt at football smAt MedEvent911, our primary goal is to provide you with the highest level of on-site medical staffing possible. Whether we are providing services at the Senior Olympics, Major League Baseball Games, a local cultural event, or a high school football game, our focus is quick and effective medical response in both emergency and non-emergency situations. With that in mind, a recent story in the local newspaper caught our attention. Four high school soccer players were treated at a local hospital for heat exhaustion. The players were visiting from the northern part of our state which experiences cooler temperatures than our "Valley of the Sun." The article mentioned a lack of understanding about that heat, along with a broken air conditioning unit in the players' van, limited shade at the field and the high activity level of the game may have complicated the situation.

Despite these complications, this was a situation that could have been avoided. Having an EMT or a Paramedic at this event could have diverted heat related issues altogether. In the past, the primary focus on student athletes' safety has been on concussions and other traumatic injuries sustained during games. Coupled with this outdated focus are no formal state regulations or policies requiring high schools to employ athletic trainers. As a result, inconsistencies in how sport injuries are handled have increased and athletes have suffered. Advocates argue that having trained medical professionals on hand decreases the risk of long-term consequences from injuries and helps avoid life-threatening injuries. However, state budget cuts have led to an extreme lack of athletic trainers in schools; rural schools, in particular, have been hard hit.

This is where MedEvent911 can offer a cost effective solution. For less than the annual cost of an athletic trainer, we can provide on-site medical treatment for both players and attendees of games. We currently provide Phoenix Day School for the Deaf and Imagine Prep with an EMT on-site for the duration of their athletic activities. In addition to being very economical, having this resource at events may have completely averted the recent issue with the soccer players and helped the school avoid the negative press.

For more information on how MedEvent911 can help at your event.

Contact our Arizona EMS Team for more information.
623-322-1908 or 877-811-6760

Air Medical Escorts Can Save the Day!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014 10:04

At MedEvent911, our primary focus is our client's health, comfort, and safety. In addition, we want our patient's families to be comfortable and relaxed during the journey. Whether you are traveling on an air ambulance, medical motor coach or using an air medical escort, our job is to make your life easier! That's why this story we heard recently hit us so hard. One of our employees was speaking to a friend, Mary, about commercial air medical escorts and was surprised to learn Mary had never heard of the service and could have badly used one.

Mary was traveling with her 89-year old father to a family wedding. Her father, Bill, is in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease and although he often forgets to shower or brush his teeth and hair, he is still capable of taking care of himself. As a result, Mary tries to give him as much independence as possible, and this autonomy caused her major problems at the airport. Bill needed to use the restroom and Mary didn't want to insult him by insisting on using the Family Restroom. Bill went into the men's restroom while Mary waited outside. Bill got confused in the restroom and exited from a different door, quickly getting lost in the chaos of the airport. Mary and Bill were safely reunited after a panicked 45 minutes and, fortunately, made it safely to their final location.

While this story had a happy ending, events like this don't need to happen. If you or a loved one has a medical condition, flying with a trained professional can help increase your peace of mind and reduce stress. Not only will a MedFlight911 air medical escort help you and your loved one get through security, navigate the confusion of the airport and board the plane, they'll also be with you during the flight itself. Our medical escorts are there with you every step of the way.

Some people hear the words "medical escort" and they think the service is not for them – they're not sick, they just need a helping hand or in Mary's case, another pair of eyes. While many of the people who MedEvent911's escorts help have serious medical conditions, some are regular people who feel a little more comfortable having someone by their side when they're taking a trip. The services we provide run the gamut of needs. Whatever the situation, we're happy to help! Caring for a family member with Alzheimer's Disease can be extremely difficult. One way to reduce the stress is to get assistance where you can. Air medical escort services are one way to do that.

Don't Count on a Good Samaritan: Air Medical Escorts Keep People Safe While Flying

Interested in learning more about MedEvent911's Air Medical Escort services?

Contact our Arizona EMS Team for more information.
623-322-1908 or 877-811-6760

Celebrate EMS Week 2014

Friday, 09 May 2014 00:00
Join us in recognizing our talented staff for Emergency Medical Services Week May 18-24, 2014

In 1973, President Gerald Ford authorized EMS Week to celebrate EMS, its practitioners and the important work they do responding to medical emergencies. Coming on the heels of Congress passing the Emergency Medical Services Systems Act, the first EMS Week celebrations were held when EMS was a fledgling industry. EMS practitioners were only beginning to emerge as a critical component of emergency medicine, the public health safety net and in helping to safeguard the health and wellbeing of communities.

A lot has changed over the last four decades. EMS is now recognized for its role in saving lives from sudden cardiac arrest and trauma; in getting people to the hospitals best equipped to treat heart attacks and strokes; and in setting the stage for a positive care experience – not just through medical skill, but by showing caring and compassion to patients in scary, distressing situations.

Then, as now, was a time of great change in EMS. Today, healthcare reform and the Affordable Care Act are fueling innovations and a shift in the way that medical care is paid for – changes that pose challenges and opportunities for EMS. With the continued development of alternate EMS delivery models such as Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine, hospitals and health insurers are increasingly looking to EMS to take on additional responsibilities in filling gaps in healthcare in communities throughout the United States.

With so much in flux, there is no better moment to celebrate how far EMS has come, to remind communities about the vital work of EMS practitioners, and to lay plans for where EMS wants to go in the future.

EMS Week is the perfect time to recognize all in EMS for the integral role they play in the healthcare system and in their communities.

Thank you to the dedicated men and women of MedEvent911 for all that they do for our clients and the community!

Contact our Arizona EMS Team for more information.
623-322-1908 or 877-811-6760

Wildfire Season Rapidly Upon Us

Tuesday, 11 March 2014 17:15
Arizona Firewise, a cooperative effort of state and federal forest, wildfire and wildlife organizations, recommends the following tips:

Recent warm weather, dry conditions and a spate of brush fires on the outskirts of major cities of Arizona and New Mexico are prompting a year-round threat of wildfires.

If the home is on flat land surrounded by grassland, create a 30-foot defensible space zone around the home. If the home sits on a slope with adjacent vegetation that is dense or has tall brush, create defensible space of at least 200 feet.Prune trees near structures and remove excess ground fuels such as fallen needles, cones and branches.Pile firewood and other flammables well away from home and other structures.Keep access roads free of debris and vegetation to improve access and escape in case of fire.Clean debris from roofs and gutters.Consider constructing or renovating with fire resistant building materials.Review your homeowner's policy.

Contact our Arizona EMS Team for more information.
623-322-1908 or 877-811-6760

EMS coordination at Special Events

Thursday, 05 December 2013 09:19
Emergency Medical Services, Hospitals, and Public Health at Special Events

Emergency medical services (EMS) play a critical role in supporting security and public safety at special events. Additionally, hospital medical care must be adequately available if needed. EMS, and medical care should be a separate planning team, chaired by an experienced advanced provider (ALS) coordinating the medical response at special events. But the plans must be integrated into the overall security plan for the event. EMS agencies will have speciic needs at the event, such as stand­ by and staging areas for equipment, ambulances, and special operations vehicles (such as remote response vehicles); access to entry and egress routes for incoming emergency vehicles. Communications with critical event coordinators, security officialsHospitals should also be integrated into the overall security plan in order to provide critical information to these primary health care facilities on anticipated threats and attendance to the event. Public health agencies should be included in planning sessions to assist them in preparation for potential hazmat/WMD situations that may negatively impact the community.

MedEvent911 has been a leader in working with a wide variety of event coordinators and management staff.  We model and utilize the same command and control guidelines utilized by the top fire and EMS departments in the country.  Our attention to detail and ability to solve critical safety issues is where we become our customer's greatest asset. William "Dee" McCluskey, Director of Operations at MedEvent911, is involved in nearly every coordination meeting the company conducts, "My 30 plus years of EMS and Command experience, makes us a valuable resource."  

MedEvent911 is Arizona's leading special event medical staffing provider, utilizing professional and experienced EMT's and Paramedics all across the Southwest.

Contact our Arizona EMS Team for more information.
623-322-1908 or 877-811-6760

New Pregnancy Terms

Wednesday, 23 October 2013 10:47

On average, a pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, counting from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period. That's how a due date is estimated.

A baby is considered preterm if he or she is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Until now, a "term" baby was defined as one born anytime from 37 weeks to 42 weeks, a few weeks before or after the calculated due date.

Now the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is refining the definition of a term pregnancy to make clear that even at the end of the last trimester, a little more time in the womb can be better for a baby's health and development.

The new definitions, released Tuesday in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology:

-Early Term, between 37 weeks and 38 weeks 6 days.

-Full Term, between 39 weeks and 40 weeks 6 days.

-Late Term, the 41st week.

-Post Term, after 42 weeks.

Contact our Arizona EMS Team for more information.
623-322-1908 or 877-811-6760

Tree Torch

Thursday, 15 August 2013 17:19

tree torch

Wildland Tree Torch

Taken by William McCluskey

Canon 5D Mark II, 70-200mm 2.8L, 1/125 @ f10

Really RIght Stuff TVC-34L and BH-55 LR (CONTEST LINK --> HERE)

Ten Common First Aid Mistakes

Thursday, 08 August 2013 11:46

Ten Common First Aid Mistakes

These days, there are countless resources to turn to for medical information and advice. By means of the Internet, magazines, television and more, almost anyone can publicize their remedy for any ailment with little to no regulation. So, when seeking out health and safety recommendations, it is important to be able to identify the credible sources and disregard popular myths. We've listed some of the most common first aid mistakes below, along with the correct response methods. Take a look to find out if you have your first aid facts straight! And, don't forget to enroll in a first aid class to learn how to respond correctly in an emergency situation.

Myth: Soothe a burn by applying butter.

Reality: If you apply butter or an oily substance to a serious burn, you could make it difficult for a doctor to treat the burn later and increase risk of infection.
The right approach: Treat a burn with cool water. If a burn is severe and starts to blister, make sure to see a doctor. Keep the affected area clean and loosely covered with a dry, sterile dressing.

Myth: If a child swallows a poisonous substance, induce vomiting with syrup of ipecac.

Reality: Inducing vomiting is not recommended for certain poisonous substances and may be harmful.
The right approach: Never give anything to eat or drink unless directed to by the Poison Control Center or a medical professional. If an accidental poisoning occurs, immediately call the Poison Control Center at (800) 222-1222) or your doctor for advice.

Myth: The best way to treat a bleeding extremity is by applying a tourniquet.

Reality: Tourniquets stop the flow of blood, which could cause permanent damage to a limb. They should be used only as a last resort in the case of severe bleeding.
The right approach: Pad the wound with layers of sterile gauze or cloth, apply direct pressure and wrap the wound securely. Seek medical help if the bleeding doesn't stop or if the wound is gaping, dirty or caused by an animal bite.

Myth: Apply heat to a sprain, strain or fracture.

Reality: Heat actually increases swelling and can keep the injury from healing as quickly as it could.
The right approach: Apply ice to reduce swelling for about 20 minutes. Place a thin barrier between the ice and the bare skin.

Myth: You should move someone injured in a car accident away from the scene.

Reality: A person with a spinal-cord injury won't necessarily appear badly injured, but any movement could lead to paralysis or death.
The right approach: Move an injured victim only if the scene becomes unsafe (the vehicle is threatened by fire or another serious hazard) or you have to reach another victim who may have a more serious injury or illness. IF, you need to provide proper care (CPR needs to be performed on a firm, flat surface.
Otherwise, it's best to stabilize the victim, and leave the person in place until paramedics arrive.

Myth: Rub your eye when you get a foreign substance in it. Tears will wash the substance out

Reality: Rubbing could cause a serious scratch or abrasion to the eye. The right approach: Rinse the eye with tap water.

Myth: Use hot water to thaw a cold extremity.

Reality: Avoid any extreme temperature change- hot water can cause further damage.
The right approach: Gradually warm the extremity by soaking it in lukewarm water.

Myth: To reduce a fever, sponge rubbing alcohol on the skin.

Reality: Alcohol can be absorbed by the skin, which can cause alcohol poisoning, especially in young children.
The right approach: Lower a fever by taking ibuprofen. If a high fever continues for several days, see a physician or go to a hospital emergency room for treatment.

Myth: Allergic reactions to bee stings can be treated at home.

Reality: Delaying professional treatment to a respiratory allergic reaction to a bee sting could be fatal.
The right approach: For symptoms such as breathing problems, tight throat or swollen tongue, call an ambulance immediately.

Myth: If you get a cut or scrape, apply first-aid ointment, cover it with a bandage, and leave it untended to heal for a few days.

Reality: Exposure to fresh air is the quickest way to allow wounds to heal, and thus it is generally best not to apply creams or ointments, since they keep the wound moist. Bandages should also be changed to keep the wound clean.
The right approach: The first and best thing to do with a wound is wash it with soap and cool water. All dressings should be changed twice a day. At bedtime, the bandage should be replaced with a looser dressing so air can circulate around the wound. Upon waking, a slightly tighter bandage should be applied, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation. Bandages should be changed even if it means pulling off a part of a scab that's forming, experts say. Also, try to keep the wounded area dry.

From The American Red Cross

Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or formal first-aid training. Don't use this information to diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. If you're in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation, call 911 or seek further medical assistance immediately.

10 Standard Fire Orders and 18 Watch Out Situations

The 10 Standard Fire Orders were developed in 1957 by a task force studying ways to prevent firefighter injuries and fatalities. Shortly after the Standard Fire Orders were incorporated into firefighter training, the 18 Situations That Shout Watch Out were developed. These 18 situations are more specific and cautionary than the Standard Fire Orders and described situations that expand the 10 points of the Fire Orders. If firefighters follow the 10 Standard Fire Orders and are alerted to the 18 Watch Out Situations, much of the risk of firefighting can be reduced.

The 10 Standard Fire Orders

The NWCG Parent Group just approved the revision of the Ten Standard Fire Orders in accordance with their original arrangement. The original arrangement of the Orders are logically organized to be implemented systematically and applied to all fire situations.

Fire Behavior
1. Keep informed on fire weather conditions and forecasts.
2. Know what your fire is doing at all times.
3. Base all actions on current and expected behavior of the fire.img 1971-215

Fireline Safety
4. Identify escape routes and safety zones and make them known.
5. Post lookouts when there is possible danger.
6. Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively.

Organizational Control
7. Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your supervisor and adjoining forces.
8. Give clear instructions and insure they are understood.
9. Maintain control of your forces at all times.

If 1-9 are considered, then...
10. Fight fire agressively, having provided for safety first.

The 10 Standard Fire Orders are firm. We don't break them; we don't bend them. All firefighters have the right to a safe assignment.

The 18 Watch Out Situations

1. Fire not scouted and sized up.
2. In country not seen in daylight.
3. Safety zones and escape routes not identified.
4. Unfamiliar with weather and local factors influencing fire behavior
5. Uninformed on strategy, tactics, and hazards.
6. Instructions and assignments not clear.
7. No communication link between crewmembers and supervisors.
8. Constructing line without safe anchor point.
9. Building line downhill with fire below.
10. Attempting frontal assault on fire.
11. Unburned fuel between you and the fire.
12. Cannot see main fire, not in contact with anyone who can.
13. On a hillside where rolling material can ignite fuel below.
14. Weather gets hotter and drier.
15. Wind increases and/or changes direction.
16. Getting frequent spot fires across line.
17. Terrain or fuels make escape to safety zones difficult.
18. Feel like taking a nap near fireline.

From the National Interagency Fire Center


Wildfire Safety Tips from MedEvent911

Wednesday, 17 July 2013 14:10

The tragic death of 19 firefighters in Yarnell, AZ, was a sobering reminder of the danger that wildfires pose to everyone, even those trained to deal with such conditions. Since fire season is far from over in the American West (in fact, California officials are predicting that 2013 could be one of the worst years for fires in recent memory), we at MedEvent911 thought now would be a good time to share some basic wildfire safety tips.

First, remember that many wildfires are started by people. You can prevent a tragedy by taking simple steps, such as not leaving campfires unattended, calling the fire department or park service if you notice a fire (no matter how small), and being careful to completely extinguish cigarettes before disposing of them. Explain to children the danger of playing with matches and cigarette lighters.

More and more Americans are living in areas that are susceptible to wildfire. If you live in a wildfire-prone area, have a plan for what you will do if a fire occurs. Have an escape route planned (ideally, more than one route) and have emergency supplies or critical items you'll want to take with you easily accessible.

If you hear an evacuation order, follow it right away. As the incident in Yarnell demonstrated, fires are unpredictable. Delaying evacuation could be deadly. If you have time before you evacuate your home, shut off the gas and fill large vessels (like a tub or pool) with water to help ward off the blaze. Wear protective clothing (like long pants) when you evacuate.

You can also protect your home by taking some straightforward preventative measures. Clear brush and debris from around your house. Landscape with fire-resistant plants. Keep combustible materials (like firewood, gasoline, or oily rags) far away from your home. Prune branches and shrubs that are close to your residence.

If you are caught in a wildfire, know how to respond. Don't try to out-run the fire. Instead, crouch in a body of water (like a creek or pond), if one is available. If there's no body of water, stay low to the ground in a cleared area with minimal vegetation, and cover yourself with a wet blanket or soil.

Wildfires are sometimes tragic, but with proper preparation, you can reduce the chances that you, your family, or your property will come to harm.

GENESIS 13C 2TMedEvent911, a leading provider of medical standby services, has added hydraulic extrication equipment – commonly known as "jaws of life" – to its ambulances. The company is the first in the industry to offer this state-of-the-art rescue tool on ambulances. The vehicles will be dispatched to wildfire incidents across the western United States.

Two MedEvent911 ambulances will be fitted with Genesis Brand Combi-Tools. The tools feature both a cutter and a spreader, offering maximum versatility in rescue situations. One ambulance (a 1996 F360 Type I 4x4) will be stragetically located between Arizona and Montana so that it can quickly respond to wildfire requests. The other, a 2003 E350 Type III 4x4, with its short wheel base makes this ambulance ideal for mountain conditions, will be based in Arizona.

"Our primary focus is the safety and well being of the firefighters who are risking their lives to protect our National Forests, as well as wildlife interface areas where structures meet wildland," said Dee McCluskey, Vice President/Director of Operations of MedEvent911. "Expanding our capabilities allows us to better serve these brave firefighters when they need it most."

In the past year, MedEvent911 has provided medical staffing for the Thompson Ridge Fire in New Mexico, the Mustang Complex Fire in Salmon, Idaho, the Holloway Fire in Denio, Nevada, and other wildland fires. The company's Advanced Life Support equipped paramedics have protected hundreds firefighters working at these various incidents. Our ambulance equipped with the "jaws of life" most recently dispatched to the Doce Fire in Prescott, AZ.Genesis Mini t

"These fires are so remote, it isn't practical to call in resources from the big cities," said McCluskey. "You need the resource to be on the ground as soon as possible in order to save lives. Adding hydraulic extraction equipment to our ambulances will allow us to quickly and efficiently respond to even the most serious of incidents."

The MedEvent911 team has extensive experience and training in urban and rural pre-hospital incidents and provides emergency medical support in Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Texas, Colorado, Idaho and Utah. Organizations that have turned to MedEvent911 for emergency response services in the past include the USDA Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Grand Canyon University Arena, City of Phoenix, Arizona Senior Olympics, Irish Cultural Center, Milwaukee Brewers, Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, Tough Mudder, Ragnar, and Warrior Dash to name a few.

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